Secure surfing now becomes a hard task to do. Because, now on the internet, there are so many malicious kinds of stuff flowing via one site to other. But, our favorite web browsers helps us to be infected. We just need some awareness while surfing.
In this post I will try to explore every threat which can affect your device also I'll give you some suggestions to sure your browsing.
Related Threats
We can think why advertisers do this but I cannot understand why hackers did this. I think that's why they are called hackers. Anyway, these are who send malicious stuffs in your device.
They collect your information from your cookies and your browsing history. Advertisers do not harm you but you cannot think what hackers can do. They can hack your device also can infect it and so on.
There are some more people who come in Advertisers category. Many websites promote advertisement to earn money, it's not wrong but some of these websites inject malware to your device.
How to secure yourself
There are so many ways for web security some are paid but many are free and secure.
Let's see some good ways to protect our self.
Being Anonymous
You can surf web by hid yourself. You can hide your IP so no one can trace you anyway.
For this we have two ways actually three ways but third is somehow different.
Proxy server
These are the servers which place between you and the website which you want to open.
By using proxy websites cannot find about you they will just find information about the server which is your proxy provider.
But, remember you should use a trusted proxy server because, they can see all your information which you where hiding.
You can set your proxy by manually if you want or there there are so many proxy providers on the net.
Here I am helping you to set proxy manually. I'll also tell you some trusted proxies.
Note: This setting are only applied for windows users.
Now your every bit of information will pass to proxy then the website.
You must want to know some proxy providers. Below I've some suggestion for you.
These are all paid proxies so privet and more trusted.
If you want to use free proxy then go to freeproxylist, but remember they are less secure so do not use them in sensitive cases.
If you want to disable proxy then repeat above process and uncheck 6th option.
You can set your proxy by manually if you want or there there are so many proxy providers on the net.
Here I am helping you to set proxy manually. I'll also tell you some trusted proxies.
Note: This setting are only applied for windows users.
- Open your browser like Chrome.
- Then go to Options which appear on top right corner of the screen.
- Go to Settings< Advance Settings< Network.
- In Network there is a option of Change proxy Settings.
- A new window of internet Properties will appear, just go to LAN(Local Area Network).
- Check the Proxy Server option and fill the server whose proxy you want to use.
- Press OK to enable the changes.
Now your every bit of information will pass to proxy then the website.
You must want to know some proxy providers. Below I've some suggestion for you.
These are all paid proxies so privet and more trusted.
If you want to use free proxy then go to freeproxylist, but remember they are less secure so do not use them in sensitive cases.
If you want to disable proxy then repeat above process and uncheck 6th option.
VPN(Virtual Privet Network)
Virtual Privet Network or VPN are best known for there privacy and they help Go us for secure browsing. It is same as proxy but more secure. If you use VPN for net surfing then your every information will pass through your VPN server. Further they will encrypt your information and you can surf net easily.
All information which website can see get some security and if a person want to know your info. then they will just see information of VPN provider.
It also helps to browse some blocked websites, which is blocked in certain country. e.g. China does not allow Facebook Login so people of china use VPN of U.S or U.K who are able to surf Facebook. That's how they also can surf FB.
VPNs are more secure then proxy because encrypt your data and it is 99% impossible to decrypt that data. So you can hide yourself from hackers.
How to set VPN in Windows?
- Go to Network Settings which you can see on bottom left corner your wi-fi or net option.
- Then go VPN settings.
- Press Add VPN and your VPN provider details.
- Press OK to apply changes.
- You can see your VPN info in your network option.
- Also you can change your VPN settings from same place.
Tor Browser
Tor was a project which allow people a safe browsing environment. But, now days it is just uses for hiding identity and surf to Deep Web,
But, you can use it for a safe environment, If you want. Tor is not so best because it is slow but it is better then proxy. Also it's a open source browser so it is free for us.
I'll give detailed info about Tor in next post. Right now you just understand that if flow your IP info in huge traffic so no one can see you and catch you. Therefore, malware injection in device is hard task.
Gain More Security
Above were some efficient ways for your web security but I am providing some more small steps to gain more security.
Disable Java script
java script is a programming language which is used by websites and advertisers. This give a good but time consuming browsing experience.
If you disable Java from your browser then you can browse safely and quickly. Have you ever seen a site which is so dirty like old times like gmail sometimes run in such a fashion if your net connection run slowly. It's because gmail disable java script from your browser. And loading does not occur.
Same will happen if you disable java from your browser.
To disable it from you have to do following steps
If you disable cookies then you have to enter login and password details again. But, its fine if you want good privacy.
Cookies are two types- 1. First party cookies and 2. Third party cookies
For this you have to:
Note: Here I'm showing you this in chrome, if you want to disable it from other browser then please pay attention on BOLD letters.
Same will happen if you disable java from your browser.
To disable it from you have to do following steps
- Go to Settings.
- Click on Advance settings.
- Go to privacy option(Content settings)
- Just disable java script from there.
- Press OK to apply settings.
Disable Cookies
Cookies are small amount of data that is used by websites to trace your past search and provide you info. according to it.If you disable cookies then you have to enter login and password details again. But, its fine if you want good privacy.
Cookies are two types- 1. First party cookies and 2. Third party cookies
- First party cookies are placed by websites which you visit. So if cut it then no problem will, you will be just a new user to the website.
- Third party cookie are placed by other sides like if visit then cookies may be placed by any advertisers like
For this you have to:
Note: Here I'm showing you this in chrome, if you want to disable it from other browser then please pay attention on BOLD letters.
- Go to Settings.
- Press Blue colored Advance Settings option.
- Go to Privacy <Content Settings.
- Now you have to select "Keep local data only until you quit the browser."
- Also enable Block third party cookies from same place.
- This will clear your data and disable all cookies when you quit your browser.
Some extra tips while using Chrome
- For further your Chrome settings go to settings area.
- If you have logged in with your chrome account then you can see a option Advance Sync in Settings in Sign in option.
- There you can see many options with one of them Encryption option.
- Just go and select Encrypt all your data with a passphrase.
- Enter your passphrase and press OK.
- Now go to Advance Settings <Privacy check Send a 'Do not track request'.
- In Password Phase which is just below the privacy content, we recommend you to disable both boxes. It will not allow any website to save your password,
- In Download section check the box Ask me first before downloading.
Downloading is a very big criteria in web security. It allow malicious software it enter in your system easily.
And if you thinking about downloading then how can you forget torrent downloads.
Torrent file and websites provide you free downloading of paid file. That's why they become an interesting place for hackers. Because, most of the torrent file are not trusted so they are dangerous.
So try so take paid files and software but you really want to use torrent file then be sure that you use a secure site.
But, that's also a problem coz most of torrent sites are malicious. They contain lots of malware and ads.
If you are using torrent then be sure that those files are not a binary files. So pay attention while installing such files. Your PC will warn you once about such files. Pay attention on them.
And try to use official sites which does not contain any malware.
If you have to enter a passphrase to install a torrent file then first read Read me content, and if it says to visit any site. Then please do not visit such sites. They only contain lots of malware and viruses. Also do not try to install such files just delete them.
Malware cannot enter in your device until you allow them to do it.
So read every pop-ups an warnings which your PC says.
And download your stuffs from official sites.
Visit HTTPS sites instead HTTP
If you are a good observer then you must notice a green colored lock on your browser just in left of it.
It also says secure and show https protocol. This all happen if you visit a secure site like google or facebook.
If you visit a site and don't see any security then that does not mean that they are malicious or not good for you.
Sites which have SSL certificates get a high security. All there and your data keep secure and encrypted.
So if you ask to login on any website just see if your data is going to be secure or not.
Also if you see if facebook or gmail does not secure by https. Then do not sign in. It mean someone has heck your DNS and the person who hacked it made a page for you. Once add your info there your details has pass to that person.
So with this last topic I am completing my post.
And please share this to everyone so most of us safe our self from hackers and virus injectors.
If you have any query then please don't hesitate to ask.
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