Morning Star: Astrology for the week of November 26 to December 1, 2017

Sunday, November 26, 2017

This morning, we wake up under a Pisces Moon and meet with the “push” of the first quarter by noon. This square between Sagittarius and Pisces occurs at 4 mutable 38. In traditional terms, both the Sun and Moon answer to Jupiter here.
Typically First Quarter Moons call us toward action directed at the intentions we may have declared at the previous New Moon. Often the energy is crunchy and comes with challenges or obstacles we are tasked with dealing with in some way. Yet, between the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces, this may be more of an imaginative and dreamy affair more than one that calls for physical exertion or any kind of “muscling” our way through. This looks more like surrendering thyself to the “ethereal powers that be” for assistance than taking up the reigns ourselves. That “surrendering to the power that be” is going to be a theme through the entirety of this week and not many are going to like being pointed to that end.
Questions emerge. With Mercury slowing down in Sagittarius and preparing to turn retrograde, the answers to those questions may be elusive for awhile. In that, we are called to faith to deal with the “what if's” that may arise in our brains. This means, we don't have the entire puzzle yet. Still we are called to do the best that we can in the present time while having faith that the rest will work itself out as we move forward. It all very much echoes the advice from our recent New Moon in Scorpio delivered by the 9 of Wands. Know when to quit, when to surrender, when to pray and when to gather all your faculities and fight on. This is not likely the week in which “fighting on” holds much success. My suggestion is to surrender to the flow of the energy early and reserve your strength. But, many will have to bloody their heads a few times before they come to that conclusion on their own. There is just not a lot of room for straight line production, here. There is more chance at our efforts being frustrated or completely washed out.

The ability to merely deal the best you can with what you have in front of you while surrendering the rest to faith, does meet with a certain innate sense of “knowing” as the Moon trines Jupiter in Scorpio later this evening (10:52 PM EST). It's just very hard to get traction within this day in which there also pressure to perform. That can end in frustration, of course. The potential confusion and uncertainty that comes with that could make for an uncomfortable day especially for those overly productively inclined. But, this is one big blurry and confusing Full Moon we have coming in. We might as well accept that and realize there is going to be a great many things in the logical body that shall blur, be misconstrued, confused or uncertain for a bit. That being said, in foggy or rainy conditions, we are advised not to out drive our headlights. Thus, again, pulling our focus into what is right in front of us. Asked to take things slow and one little bit at a time. Inching forward if we need to or even pulling over to the side of the road until conditions can improve.

Meanwhile, Venus in Scorpio meets with Chiron by trine at 4:22 PM. To me, this looks like a soothing balm applied over a sore spot. It's as if you have this deep source of wounding that, in a way, may cause feelings of lack or even self-loathing. But, Venus in Scorpio understands this. Sees the beauty underneath the scars and pain. Venus in Scorpio does not shy away such. Instead, she stands steadfastly by in a protective stance near this pain...loving us through it. Then, as tomorrow dawns, and Venus moves in to form an inconjunct with Uranus, we may be able to rise above some of these more swampy waters and release our...almost masochistic addiction to these deeply felt thorns. Yes. We can let them go when we allow ourselves to self-love in spite of them or when we find someone else who can see beyond the pain and support our healing. The main call is toward self-acceptance and deep soul nurturing before we go off trying to find someone to see us past our scars. We have to be able to do that ourselves, first. Essentially, Venus trine Chiron asks us to look at ourselves and others from the heart. Not the eyes. There is deep soul healing potential here. But, it's not going to come in the face of continual self rejection. It comes as a result of loving yourself, all the experiences and all the scars you've gleaned on a level way below the surface. Healing coming from the inside and trickling out. Gently. Slowly. Like honey dripping from a pot, sweetening, warming and enveloping our sore spots.
Overnight, the Moon will conjunct Neptune allowing us to delve deeply into restorative sleep efforts and very likely bringing punctuation to dreams. Keep your dream diary handy to jot down symbolism. But, know the answer to today is 1) forgive yourself for not having the answers to everything (no one does at this time I don't care how good of a front they are putting up) 2) deal with what is right in front of you (don't out drive your headlights) and 3) self-care, self-love, self-accept and aim to nurture your soft, sore or uncertain spots.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Today is largely uneventful in the realm of astrology. The Moon remains in Pisces as Venus inconjunct Uranus wakes us up. The Moon sextiles and is restored by Pluto at midday which helps to deepen our resolve and bring a bit of productive traction. However, we've the fact that Mercury is ever, ever so very slowly creeping up on a conjunction with Saturn. Again, his first of 3 total during this retrograde. It's just, that in this instance, it could feel like we are standing on our own tongues. As if the mental gears grind to a halt and self-censorship or a feeling of “not being able to say a damn thing the right way” casts a dark cloud over us. It's heavy and we are at danger of veering toward negative speech or thinking.

The day is actually best met in quiet which may rub against the grain of our gregarious Sagittarius Sun. But, this is a time frame in which a lot of highly personal things have a tendency to surface within our psyche. So, to the outside world it may appear as “business as usual.” But, in the internal sphere there are a lot of things coming to surface that we would just rather not talk about or cannot find the right words to talk about right now.
The condition of Mercury may make it seem like time is at a stand still and we are trapped within that. There is a very slow drag that accompanies the turn around of Mercury. His conjunction to Saturn exacerbates that. It's like we may want to escape these mentalities but in a way we are frozen within them right now.
In the end, this spells potential frustration in a lot of ways. But instead of continually slamming our heads against the wall trying to speed things along or rush ourselves to conclusion, the answer lies largely in allowing ourselves the time and patience to sit in that place of discomfort and discontent. Allowing the heaviness of Mercury/Saturn to drape over us like a weighted anxiety blanket. Wait it out. Surrender your solutionless worries. There is plenty of pressure to be had from the outside world, there is no need to compound that upon yourself.

This mental crunch and pressure does trickle over into our tomorrow. But there is still flowing waters of creativity below the surface that can be tapped in an effort to forgo the mental blockages. The Moon trines Venus in Scorpio at 4:42 AM tomorrow before the Moon moves on to square both Saturn and Mercury right at dawn. It's not the screwed up logic that needs our attention as much as our softer bodies and paying heed to how we feel while making effort at nurturing any underlying sickness. In other words, it's not what is said so much as what is not said...what vibes from the heart spaces overflows and cleanses the blockages of the mind. This is a time in which following your intuition is favored over laboring in the brain.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

After the Moon squares Saturn and Mercury this morning, she is void until entering Aries at 11:31 AM. From here, the mood dries out a bit. And, that is mainly what the day allows for us to do. Dry out. The only major aspect that comes in happens at midnight involving a fire trine from the Moon to the Sun.
We are a little more active. A little less wounded and a little less waterlogged here. Gentle progress is favored as well as light physical activity. Ease back into motion while remembering the logical/mental situation may still feel a little stuck and cumbersome.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The Moon remains in Aries today making minor aspect to both Jupiter and Venus in our morning hours. These minor aspects kick start an elusive craving or hunger. Something for our Aries Moon to be inclined to chase after.
Then, as evening dawns, the “yearning” becomes quite strong as the Moon squares Pluto. There is temptation to go to subservient means (desperate measures) in an effort to nab our pleasure or the object of our desire. There is potential for fixation on this thing or even potential for someone to manipulate us with our desires. I liken it to deciding to rob a bank in an effort to get enough cash to bail oneself out of debt. Yeah. Probably not the best route to go, you know? The logic that leads to a “solution” such as that is all mucked up. No need in making things even worse.

Keep all your motives above board and try to recognize when you may be overly fixated on things like the material or a desire to control. Do know, though, there will be some who steam roll in this day with a sheer force of determination only to be burned to a frazzle or perhaps creating malefic circumstances for themselves in the process. Steam rolling is not the answer. Due diligence and mindful self control of overwhelming desires backed with a backbone of maturity is what is called for. But, many may be tempted to bully their way toward their desired end. Merely side step and let those speeding trains fly by while refusing to pressure yourself to that end. Spare yourself the frustration that is due to come from that. Mars will meet with Chiron by inconjunct overnight which is going to feel a lot like someone stepping on their own dick or shooting themselves in the foot. You don't want to be that person. Be reasonable and diligent in your efforts without feeling the need to compete with your neighbor. Suss out the real reasons behind why you are craving what you are craving and find healthful ways to soothe those desires. Do not allow yourself to be manipulated (enchanted into doing something you may feel is “not right” otherwise) with promises of baubles, power, love or charms.

I just don't see a whole lot of things going as originally intended during this week. I see a lot of frustrated efforts. A lot of mental blocks. I see a lot of things back firing and calling us to second or third efforts as themes from the incoming Mercury retrograde continue to introduce.
These are going to be things that folks feel really pressured to deal with under an additional sense of “urgency.” But, there are a lot of things that go on in the mix of the problem emerging and finally reaching a viable solution. Those viable solutions are crafted in a mind space with information we don't have yet. All that funnels into first efforts that fall flat as Mars waxes into wild opposition with Uranus which could have us resorting to spiteful or self-destructive acts.
It is the element of water that we should be attempting to lean into that runs underneath all this muck on the surface that has us stuck in place. If you heed the water bodies, your intuition, your emotional system etc, you will find this whisper of “wait...wait this out...float on the waters you are on and give this stuff time to unfurl.” None of that is comfortable or in line with our cultural conditioning that would have us being all gung ho and brazen in our efforts. But, it is in tempering all that from the inside out that marks the difference between slowly coming to a self-respectful place of solution versus continually being set back on our rears further frustrating our efforts. Patience. Something that Mars opposed to Uranus is terrible with. Yet, necessary in these days. We will receive prelude to this “angsty” energy in our tomorrow while also being tasked to breathe through it. But, we will likely be very tempted to just blow up everything around us which will only make the mess we have to clean up in the end that much bigger...even if it does relieve some pressure “in the moment.” Take your claws out of it. Let it lay broken for a bit. Deal with what is happening inside of you instead of distracting yourself with all these unfixables.

Honestly, my advice for the entirety of this week is to notice what is breaking down and deal with what you can while surrendering the rest to a higher power. “Let go and let God?” A triggering statement for many, I'm sure. But, I'm being 100% serious. Faith. Surrender. Knowing when to stop trying to force things...all this is wrapped up in our lesson plan for this week. You can take that on voluntarily or have it force fed to you. Your choice. You learn either way. Ironically, you kind of end up on your knees either way, too. So, choose your path wisely to that end.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

It's itchy twitchy this morning as the Moon passes through the Mars/Uranus opposition. We are torn between what we feel we need to do and the expectations of others. Then, as the Moon zaps against Uranus we may be inclined to say, “Today, Piglet, is the day we burn this bleepity bleep bleep to the ground.” There is great potential for cutting ones own nose off to just to spite our faces or taking rash, impulsive or even extreme action that ends up resulting in self-harm or just making a big mess. We do not like being held to expectation and we do not like this feeling of being stuck. But, the answer to all that is to breathe through the adrenaline surge and maintain our pace on one step at a time while avoiding the tendency to push with brute force through the obstacles we encounter.

At midday the Moon does stabilize with a trine to Saturn and Mercury in Sagittarius helping us to settle down and regain perspective and perhaps be a little more inclined to say, “Ok, this may not be something I can handle on my own.”
Following the trine with Mercury the Moon is Void until entering Taurus at 3:39 PM. Talk about stuck and stubborn then. You betcha. Make sure you are comfortable in the place you dig your heels into.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Well. Here we are. Under our steadfast Taurus Moon whose ruler has just moved into Sagittarius this morning right before the Universe grabs her cattle prod of Mars in opposition to Uranus. We are shaky and nervous cows. But, at the same time, the shift of Venus does help bring a bit of optimism to the equation. The physical body is just not comfortable. We are potentially reactive and have an itchy trigger finger to boot. Just not an ideal situation for Taurus energy. Yet, something we kind of need to start getting used to.

I both look forward to and dread Uranus in Taurus. I realize that our fixed signs fall in malefic ruts and Uranus will help bust some of those up. At the same time, I'm not looking forward to a lot of startled and potentially irate cows. Know how you soothe an irate cow? You don't. You get the hell out of the way...that's what you do. Unless you enjoy being trampled. I do not.
All this “angst” builds overnight and crests before daylight today. Then, by 10:08 AM the Moon opposes Jupiter bringing to light, probably, some very deeply seeded fears of insecurity and lack. Panic over lack of resource or just a very strong yearning for what it is we want but don't have yet. Ensure to keep things in proper perspective. Train your eyes on the what simple blessings exist rather than what is not falling right into place.
Shortly after the Moon/Jupiter opposition, Luna waxes into a potentially relaxing sextile with Neptune that says, “Stressed is just desserts spelled backward. Why can we not just take a nap?” And, you know, easing up on yourself is exactly the way to go. Taketh thine foot off of the gas. Still, we are tasked with dealing with our discomfort and maintaining an air of patience and faith as the story unfolds. However, there is room for some of the angst to leave us (if we are willing to take our claws out of it) as the day moves forward.

By nightfall the Moon is in sturdy and gritty Earth trine with Pluto in Capricorn giving us the power of emotional restoration, fortitude and an ability to stare down these inner demons and bring them under compliance. Again, though, the tides to continue to ride even if we have a bit of a raft to float on with this Earth trine. Jupiter steadily waxes into trine with Neptune in Pisces again punctuating the element of water throughout our tomorrow. That washes us straight into Mercury's turn around point that precedes our Full Moon on Sunday. Expect nothing to make sense. Because that just isn't likely. Leaning into your softer bodies for guidance (intuition, creativity, emotions) more than your logical/physical ones is where the sweet spot lies...learn to read and trust that language and keep giving those “unsolvable and insurmountable” problems over to a higher energy with faith in both that higher power and yourself.
