Full Moon in Cancer 2018

image credit: Josephine Wall
The First day of our New Year features a huge Full Moon in Cancer. It's interesting to me that this lunation features 3 bodies in their home sign. Saturn in Capricorn. Neptune in Pisces and Moon in Cancer. Plus, all three are connected by aspect.
At this lunation, we also have Uranus in Aries vibrating in station preparing to turn direct. This happens on January 3 at 24 Aries 34. Following this, all planets in the sky are direct until March. In March, Jupiter is the first to station doing so at 23 Scorpio 13 on March 9.

Now. I'm not a big believer in the idea that when all planets are direct you can make phenomenal progress. However, what I have noticed is what you are working on and building within that time frame of “all direct” is stuff you will revisit in some way throughout the course of the year and during the retrogrades. For me, all direct is ripe for setting a lot of little projects or initiatives off that you already plan on making part of your year to come. Which, of course, doesn't mean that everything is brought to completion during this all planet direct stuff. But, we are inclined to more forward thinking and are prone to engage in laying pavers for the road we plan to walk on in the future. Saturn in Capricorn favors building upon a strong foundation and doesn't shy away from starting on the bottom rung since his ambitions are long term. It's not where you start or finish. It's just starting that is the biggest matter. With things you know that are going to be long term goals or projects. I guess what I mean is that the energy of all direct favors taking conscious action toward long term goals more so than short term. All this energy in Capricorn does, as well.

Yet, the first couple of weeks of this year during our waning Moon, is earmarked more for bringing outstanding business from 2017 or even prior to that, to a close. We are still wiping the energetic slate clean. The Full Moon in Cancer doesn't want us to set resolutions “to do” in the New Year just yet. What the Full Moon asks is “What DO YOU NOT want to carry with you into this year?” It's a time of release. Absolution. Completion. Letting go of malefic habits. Negative attachments. Plus, it offers us a chance to come in from the cold the duck out of the whole “public” scene for a bit since we have quite a concentration in the “public” sectors of our Astrology wheel. Plus, the actual focus of the Moon itself is upon the personal rather than “public.” We are encouraged to return to our core selves. Assess what it is that we truly need. Deal with our emotional system. Matters regarding our roots, our family and homes. It's time to balance the Astrological Wheel that is outwardly productively inclined by focusing more on the internal for a bit before we decide to officially launch into the New Year. So, if you are feeling the angst of this Uranus station or merely feel as if you are being pressured to jump in and get started in this New Year, know you still have time to wind things down. Building and setting intentions for starting new things and launching new initiatives are better supported under our New Moon in Capricorn on the 16th. Until then, it's best to focus on making space, clearing away any residual sludge from 2017, cleaning/organizing, releasing our grip on what we don't want to carry with us and taking time to consciously decide exactly what it is we feel like we want to do within this year.

So, let's have a look at this Moon. Ok?
It officially occurs at 9:25 PM EST on New Year's Day falling across 11 Capricorn/Cancer 58. The Sabian Symbols for these degrees read as follows:

For the Sun at 12 Capricorn: Natural wonders are depicted in a lecture on science. Piercing through appearances; disclosing the magic splendor of the core of things. A universal living touch. Keen vision.

12 Cancer A Chinese woman nursing a baby haloed by divine light. The promise to all men that God may take birth within their souls. Personality integration. Illumination; or frustration

Other than the concentration of planets in Capricorn, what stands out to me in this chart the most is Jupiter and Mars. They both square our nodal axis putting a rather intense feeling of friction into play in regard to what we need to do to move forward. It may feel like, actually, that we are working at cross purposes in regard to where it where it is we may feel like we want to go. Meanwhile, Ceres is still snuggled up to our North Node in Leo reminding us the importance of being a good caregiver to our inner child. And, at this moment, many of us are likely feeling the push to perform, do and achieve. Par for the course with both Scorpio and Capricorn energy strongly in play.
However, both the Sun and the Moon aspect Neptune nicely. This gives us a little bit of relaxation that we can escape into before really digging our teeth into the work ahead of us in our year to come...which has more than a few sharp turns and roller coaster hills of its own. The entrance of Uranus in Taurus and our Mars retrograde of 2018 both give me pause in looking at what may unfold for us. But, the tandem aspects to Neptune can help us blur some of that out and focus more fully on where it is we are right now. That's pretty important. To drag yourself into your body and into your current time and place. Where you are is the base from which you make your first step forward. So, it's a really good idea to come to full realization of where that is. Spend a little time there before deciding what step you want to make next. When we do take off with initiative in 2018 we will want to do so with as little baggage as we can.

Mercury is direct but still in Sagittarius and still in his retrograde shadow. He will exit that shadow mid-month when he enters Capricorn (1/12) as all the other planets are also direct. For now, though, his storyline continues to unfold as he traces the same degrees for a third time. Information is still unfolding and Mercurial matters are still working themselves out. Mercury was last on this degree on 11/20 and 12/14. “Stories” that began on 11/20 and repeated on 12/14 will likely culminate under this Moon.
It's a good time to issue forgiveness, apology or make effort to set any misconstrued records straight. The energy is also excellent for purging especially in the emotional realm. This is an opportunity to shut the door on the world for a bit and really get in more astute tune with our core selves. I know that since Mercury has turned direct, I have been receiving final pieces of information that help me fill in the bigger picture of what is going on in my life. I expect this will continue as Mercury retraces his shadow. These have been subtle and quite personal realizations, for me. But, I've also seen it occurring on a larger scale too. So, do realize we do not have all the information we need just yet.
January 2018 is rich with astrological happenings. I'm not sure what will be shook loose from that but my intuition tells me there is a lot of game changing energy in there making the first two weeks of year even more rich for wrap up and closure efforts over and above setting declarations for new beginnings. Mainly because we are not really finished here yet. Man's calendar might say we are since the pages of the calendar reflect a New Year. But, in case you haven't noticed, the stars don't really give a crap about how man thinks time and space should be organized.
That being said, Mercury in Rx shadow, Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio and all that resides in Capricorn are all great energies to use for follow through, closure and completion efforts. Plus, if you need to rid yourself of malefic habits, negative attachments or what have you, Scorpio is the energy you need to support you. Plus, Full Moons support release and purge efforts, too.
Legacy of the Divine-Ciro Marchetti

The guide I drew for this Lunation was the King of Coins. Now, I like the dude, ok? I admire anyone who rolls up their sleeves and gets busy handling the business of their life. The King of Coins did not inherit his throne. He worked his own way there earning every single block of his castle with his own two hands. He climbed the ladder starting from the very bottom without skipping a single step and carved out his kingdom by the sweat of his own brow.
There are a few things that can occur here, though, depending on where and how our King places his value and how he prioritizes matters of worldly value. He is a worker. Yes. But, has he learned that his value is not based on his bank account or the amount of work he can produce? Does he realize that true value is not something wholly tangible. Sometimes we are paid for jobs outright. Other times, we may be paid less but receive more reward in an intangible manner such as what we glean through experience and learning just by doing the task at hand (like internships, etc). Has our King become overly dusty and dry in regard to his ability to enjoy life? Or has he forgotten the value in that thus placing his entire sense of self-worth outside himself and dependent upon his ability to maintain his reputation? These are worthy questions for us to look at on an introspective level.

Yet, the highest call of the King of Coins is toward accountability of managing both resource and relationships with integrity, fortitude and maturity. He is tasked with the care and conduct of the entirety of the Kingdom of Coins. So, he has to consider the wealth and well-being of all not just himself. This calls us to think about our own resources and to develop ways in which we can reduce how much we expend in an effort to maintain a sense of comfort and security within our lives. We may spread our resources too thinly...have a great number of superficial relationships but none that are truly reliable or offer any kind of depth or longevity. Yet we have the option of focusing our energies more intently upon those relationships and streamlining our efforts toward building longevity and trust in some of them. This also holds true in the energetic world in which our energies can become too scattered over various projects when what we really need to do is focus our energy on one thing at a time while trudging forward to bring each deemed as worthy to completion. Mars and Jupiter, again, both support this kind of focus too.
It is also suggested that we look at our spending habits. Shore up leaks or ways in which we may spend our resources carelessly or needlessly. By resources, I mean either monetary resource or heart resource. Are you pouring your loving energy down an unfillable hole? Are you letting your finances leak out of your wallet?
2018 is a big freaking deal in the financial department. Using this Moon to get a grip on your personal finances and getting ready to put a solid financial plan in place is just a good idea. In that, we will see innovation and opportunity emerge in the financial realm. But, it's going to shake the ground and likely make things rather unstable in terms of the traditional ways in which we build material wealth. Can't say I'm sorry about that. But, I do know when you go messing with people's pocketbooks, they tend to get a little antsy and nervous. I want you to go into this year knowing that finances are going to be shook in some way. I also want you to realize (after everyone is done panicking over it) that there is opportunity that will rise from that as well but it's not going to be like anything that we've seen in the past. The Universe is set to bring the financial sector into more modern terms. So. If you are banking on the traditional money resources to continue to support you, then you might be greatly disappointed in 2018. Do as much as you can to become independently secure. That means we need to look at where it is we are dependent...which can be a hard thing to suss out, for sure. But, I'm thinking of looking at how dependent each of us may be upon systems in which we have no control over. One matter that stands out to me is dependency upon public utilities. Look to ways in which you can be more independent and more resourceful across the board. Plan to take gradual and conscious steps toward these things. Realize that recognizing the malefic dependency is over half the task. Most of the time we don't realize just how dependent we are until the thing we have been propping ourselves up with breaks. We need to maintain a willingness toward change, innovation and remain open to looking at ways in which we can do things differently, more effectively, independently and more efficiently.

Overall the advice from the King says to get your personal business under your conscious control. Be that weathered and experienced soul who can take that wisdom and apply it toward your own future. Realize what is of true value and worth and stabilize/commandeer your own sense of self-worth without allowing it to be dependent upon what happens in the external world. It's actually a very sober kind of job but offers us rich potential and strong sturdy sense of stability in return.
So, again. What kind of stuff do you want to ditch forever from 2017. What is worthy of your continued efforts? How can you streamline your resources in an effort to monopolize upon them and reduce the amount you need to sustain yourself and your kingdom? What kind of trash would this King throw out?

Time wasters
Waiting for others to tell him what he should do
resource suckers
bad habits
life sucking relationships
a need to adhere to outside expectation and validation
threats to his security
laziness and complacency
indecisiveness about what it is he wants
financial “leaks”
debt be that monetary or energetic

Those are just a few things that came to mind. But, I've an inkling that the King would ditch anything that he perceived as standing as a block separating him from his goals. He's not going to lug a lot of dead weight with him to the metaphorical “top.” Neither should you. Therefore, our first declarations for 2018 need to be set upon what we are leaving behind and what outstanding business we still need to finish up before we officially start building anew. All that being said, I'm fairly sure that this Full Moon will reveal things we needed to know both in our personal journey and in regard to happenings upon our home planet. There is wonderful opportunity to foster a sturdy sense of closure here.

Astrology between now and the New Moon

Mercury is direct but still in Sagittarius and still in his retrograde shadow. He will exit that shadow mid-month when he enters Capricorn (1/12) as all the other planets are also direct. For now, though, his storyline continues to unfold as he traces the same degrees for a third time. Information is still unfolding and Mercurial matters are still working themselves out. Mercury was last on this degree on 11/20 and 12/14. “Stories” that began on 11/20 and repeated on 12/14 will likely culminate under this Moon.

Major aspects:
Jan 2:
Sun in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces

Uranus stations direct at 24 Aries 34 at 7:34 AM; Moon in Cancer squares this point same day at 5:47 PM EST

Jan 3:
Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces

Jan 6:
Mercury in Sagittarius trine Uranus in Aries. This is pass #3 for Mercury to Uranus but the only one (of this Rx cycle) in which Uranus is direct.

Mars conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio at 17 Scorpio 55
18 Scorpio: A winding road leads through glorious autumnal woods. The light which transfigures the soul after passions have faded away. Revelation of inner wealth. Radiant consummation.

Mercury in Sagittarius square Chiron in Pisces (also 3rd pass)

Jan 8
Venus in Capricorn sextile Jupiter in Scorpio
Mars in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn
Last Quarter Moon 18 Cap/Libra 36

Jan 9
Venus conjunct Sun in Capricorn (2:02 AM Est) at 18 Cap 57
Sun/Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (4:00 to 4:49 AM EST) at 19 Cap 04

19 Capricorn (Venus/Sun): Five year old girl proudly does her mother's marketing. Capacity to take place ahead of normal standards. Increased self-confidence. Waiting for conditions to catch up with self.
20 Capricorn Sun/Venus/Pluto: Through the empty church, the choir is heard rehearsing. The unrealized fullness of life even in the emptiest hours. Ray of hope through all difficulty.

Venus in Capricorn sextile Mars in Scorpio

Jan 10
Sun in Capricorn sextile Mars in Scorpio

Jan 11
Mercury enters Capricorn

Jan 13
Mercury in Capricorn conjunct Saturn in Capricorn at 2 Cap 49
3 Capricorn: The soul as a hovering spirit eager to gain experience. Inner and pure motivation. The power to remain superior to physical limitations; to demonstrate free will. Detachment
Venus in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries
Venus in Capricorn sextile Chiron in Pisces

Jan 14
Sun in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries

Jan 15
Sun in Capricorn sextile Chiron in Pisces
Jupiter in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (first pass) (all occurring under Moon in Capricorn who aspects the sextile next morning)

Stone suggestions and helpful activities for this two week period:

For the Moon in Cancer

White Moonstone
Pearl or Mother of Pearl
red coral

For the Capricorn stellium

Tiger's Eye
wooden pieces particularly oak
Apache tear
Black Onyx
Diamond or Zircon

For the Uranus station

Lapis Lazuli
copper or silver


body/emotional detox

anything that clears “sludge” or clutter from the physical space and body
