The stone of your future awaits for you to carve out your "angel." All you need in order to do that is a willingness to get your hands busy, imagination, patience all mixed with belief in yourself, what you are able to create and in the fact that all is divinely led.
For the Sun and Moon at 27 Sagittarius: The sculptors vision is taking form under his hands. Here comes all your craft work to life. Imaginary and creative concepts are brought into tangible form. Our self-sculpting beings to show. We are acting upon creative powers in an effort to manifest. And, it's working. Happy dreams and vivid nightmares manifest. How well can you direct the flow?
For the Moon's Ruler, Jupiter, at 15 Scorpio: Laughing children play on five mounds of white sand.Five is a tricky number. It does present challenge and choice. It also points to our earthly senses, sight, touch, sound, taste and smell. The ground we are playing on is pure and clean. All physical senses are engaged. However, given that this symbol is in Scorpio, there may be some more elusive senses at play too. Intuition. Creativity. Emotions. All the things we are not normally taught to use. However, with the physical senses in tow and imbibed with the watery sensations of the “other” senses, the sand turns to malleable creative clay. Laugh and have fun. Create what you are creating from that happy and imaginative place.
So, last month we were shuttled through the black hole found at the Galactic Center. At the New Moon we mark our homestead on our new home planet. We've learned that everything we have been taught is false. Logic means absolutely nothing. Reality doesn't exist. So in the vacuum of the Void, why not work to make reality what you want it to be instead of just accepting that of everyone else? This is the Genesis of creative manifestation...not the Apocalypse. Or maybe it is both. The word “apocalypse” can be translated to mean, “a vision of heavenly secrets that can make sense of earthly realities.” Or the “uncovering or revelation of knowledge.” A broader understanding. New life changing awareness. Spiritual awakening.
During our re-sensitization at the last lunation, we started to understand more fully the melted framework that we are operating within. This lunation allows us opportunity to stake our claims on this new land while making our declarations and vision statements at the same time. Vows are exchanged. Promises made. Commitments and perspectives are realigned. We have fully awakened in the dream. Lucid. Now we must take an active role in the creation.
At this lunation, we have a five body stellium in Sagittarius that includes Mercury still Rx, Venus, Sun, Moon and Saturn. All are huddled up with Mercury a little further back. Pholus is there too still popping the cork and giving an early New Year's champagne toast.
Meanwhile, the ruler of Sagittarius swims to the depths of life, death, rebirth, creation and catharsis. Vesta holds close to him begging us to bring our worship to the higher concepts of Scorpio. Both remain within orb to our most spiritual and ethereal placement in the sky, Neptune.
Uranus and Eris are locked in trine with our bodies in Sagittarius. Shocking us. Waking us up. Illuminating the darker spaces with thunder and lightning. Cutting us free from chains that hold us to our mere physical existence.
Meanwhile, Saturn is packing his bags and heading home. He sits on the 29th degree of Sagittarius here. He makes it home for the holidays as he enters Capricorn on December 21. He will grate back and forth over this transition point between Sagittarius and Capricorn bringing more form and function to it. But, eventually he will be full speed in the sign of the Goat cleaning up some of Pluto's messes before meeting up with the big guy himself in April of 2019. Until then, he is going to be setting the record straight, realigning leadership gone astray and holding schmucks responsible for their schmuckyness. He's had enough. In Capricorn, he means business. Well. He always means business but he's done laughing at us from the sign of Sagittarius and ready to roll up his sleeves and get serious.
As I said, he's not completely finished with the sign of the Archer just yet. He will come back here to rectify concepts of law, news/publishing factions, heroes, role models, celebrities, sports, public school systems, politics, religion and theory before he digs fully in to rebuilding of the entire structure that Pluto has previously demolished. I don't know. Notice anything that needs to be realigned coming from the sign of Sagittarius that I just mentioned? We've not had issue with any of these in 2017....yeah...right. The whole schematic imploded. So, Saturn will go back and help us pick up a stitch or two there as well.
Jupiter in Scorpio is highly supportive of Saturn’s actions in both Sagittarius and Capricorn. He says, “Let's breathe new life into and rebirth these things in a way that supports our souls. How about that?”
Mars' job here is to take full stride with the concepts Jupiter has taught us coming from Scorpio thus far. He is the phoenix. We are all the phoenix. He encourages us to aim our tenacity, will power, soulfulness and ability to heal ourselves into full working order.
These are very interesting times, friends. There is more going on upon this planet than many can see or understand. Anything is possible. Don't allow fear or pressure to cause you to dream up a negative manifestation of that. Keep praying. Keep creating. Keep your center of focus. Keep singing, dancing and coming together with the highest intentions for all the souls around us. Love does win. It may not look like you expected. It might mean we are all shuttled suddenly to a different dimension. It could be the keys to the Universe are finally handed to the dreamers. Either way, it all works out in the end. What you are worried about in the Spring won't matter by Summer. What you are worried about in the Summer won't matter by Autumn. What you were worried about at the beginning of this year will be a bleak memory by the time we get to the end of it. Keep dreaming. Keep loving. Keep believing in the power of your soul. Pack those budding talents and the awareness from 2017 into 2018 with you.
Stones and such recommended to assist with this Lunar Movement:
- Turquoise
- Lapis Lazuli
- Angelite
- Selenite
- Citrine
- Amber
- Sunstone
- Black Moonstone
- Hematite
- Obsidian
- Pyrite
- Malachite
- Tantric sex
- Psychotherapy
- Counseling
- Support networks
- Art therapy
- Lucid dreaming
- Past life regression/hypnosis
- meditation/prayer
- soul searching
- soul creating
- Art/music lessons
- Re scripting and reframing the story of your life
- healing
- regeneration
- power to the peaceful
- “This little light of mine”
- humility
- grace/balance
Tarot Guide
Ten of Cups
2017 was a wild ride, right? We land at the end of it in this golden peaceful serene scene. Dogs and cats aren't supposed to get along. Under an umbrella of love and serenity though and they make wonderful nap buddies. Their bellies are full. They are loved. They are warmed. It's perfect. Absolutely perfect and tender. It is also very, very quiet. This isn't a loud bursting of joy. But, a gentle, warm and nestled kind.
I think this year has been a severe shove in regard to where we need to go. As well as bringing a new acute sense of awareness around the true state under which we currently exist. We were woken up. Dared to dream and maintain faith. But, here, is a chance at reprieve. A chance to rest. We are content. We are peaceful. We are relaxed and warmly joyful. Bring love around you deliberately. Invite it in for tea and allow it to warm itself by your gentle glowing fire. Cherish the ones you love and leave your heart open for more of the same. Give generously. Laugh whenever the glorious opportunity to do so emerges. Marvel in your humility at the miracles that magically manifest around you ever day. Appreciate everything. Share openly. But most of all...LOVE.
The greatest most magnificent of these is LOVE.
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