Morning Star: Astrology for the week of February 19 to February 25, 2018

Monday, February 19, 2018

Jupiter in Scorpio and a stellium in Pisces. Yes. There are plenty of other planets and bodies “up there.” These two water signs, though, are grabbing my attention over and above our active Warrior Moon. Why? Because these two signs can “smell your intentions.” Folks with an abundance of Neptune and Pluto (such as a stellium in Pisces along with Jupiter in Scorpio mix like we have going on) feel their way around in the world. They seep into a room allowing their body to pick up on the nuances that tell them about their atmosphere. They are leviathans. Lumbering creatures of the deep. Doesn't necessarily give them a vicious demeanor. Often they are the gentle giants of the world but it does give them an ethereal sense and an ability to feel without having to see. Instinctual. Visceral. All absorbent. Quiet. In the shadows. Lurking.

Sometimes, when a person has this ability to feel the fear of a person they can 1) take that fear on as their own or 2) use the person's fear to their own advantage. Exploit it. Monopolize upon it. See it as the chink in the armor that is and poke at it. Under an instigating Moon in Aries that meets with a square to Pluto as night moves forward (8:47 PM) know that exploitation and attempts to control people through the use of abuse of power and manipulation of existing fears is at a high potential. Ok?
That makes how you deal with your own fear a pretty high priority in this day and continually as we move forward. My reaction to fear is that it pisses me off. Quite frankly. Not at whatever instigates the fear. But, at myself for being fearful. Jupiter, at his highest expression from the sign of Scorpio, would have us stare down our fears. Dis-empower them. Laugh at them, even. But, at the same time, Jupiter also operates to shine a spotlight upon our worst nightmares. Exposing them. Exploiting them. Making movies out of them. And, knowing the big guy as I do...he likely sits back and laughs about the whole thing from his throne of bones and macabre.
This morning, the Moon whips about in activity in trine to Mars in Sagittarius. Mars here wants to be hero. His idea of what he can do and what he is capable of is often overblown and veers on the edge of over-reach. At his highest expression, he takes the high road. Walks his truth. Goes to War on the principle of truth, knowledge and wisdom...even to the point of killing in the name of his Gods and feeling quite justified in doing so. With the Moon in trine what we likely notice (especially since Mars is now freed from his square to Neptune) is an uptick in physical energy and willingness to engage actively in the world.
image credit: petr bukovjan

Yet, as the day darkens, so does the Mood and the intent. Fear comes forth as the Moon squares Pluto and how you face that or hide from it will make all the difference. Don't allow your fears to be preyed upon. Hold your direction toward your true north and keep wrapping your action around that. Don't allow yourself to manipulated by those in power who may profit from keeping you in a constant state of shock and paranoia. Use the prowess and intuitive powers coming from the signs of Pisces and Scorpio to allow your body to drink in cues about your environment. Listen and respond appropriately. If a situation doesn't feel right...learn to trust and read those cues. That is the power delivered unto us in this day. Use it to your advantage or be slain by it. If you can face the wolves in the woods without fear you have already bested half the challenge. If you can keep your actions on point toward your goals while employing the incredible intuitive powers from our water signs; you can make a great deal of progress within this day. If someone can keep you in fear; they can also keep you well controlled. Don't give them that chance.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

This morning the Aries Moon startles us awake with a conjunction to Uranus at 6:12 AM Est. The “bolt” comes and goes quickly as the Moon is rendered Void following this aspect. She remains Void until entering Taurus at 2:12 PM.
Taurus Moon is strong and sturdy. But, what I like most about this sign is it is filled with common sense. Down to Earth. Grounded. Real. That “realness” meets with the beautiful and compassionate softness of the Sun in Pisces by melting sextile at 6:17 PM. Then, the grounded nature of our Moon finds Mercury in Pisces by the same just after midnight.
Mercury is now within orb of a sextile to Saturn in Capricorn. The voice of compassionate and gentle leadership is a positive expression of this aspect which is due to perfect in tomorrows sky just as Venus sinks into a conjunction with the planet of her higher octave, Neptune.
The Moon finds Saturn by trine overnight at 2 AM. This is creative mud allowing us to sculpt visions right out of the aethers of our imagination. On the low end, it is mudslides. As the season melts, so do the hillsides and the weather we have in store for this week is ripe for such downhill tumbles. Be wary of that potential. Also, as the atmosphere may quickly fluctuate from cold to warm and back again, know the Earth itself may move with tremors and quakes. As above so below. The mud slides in our insides and our inner structures begin to shift about too.

Today, is best earmarked for assessments of personal values and bringing forth a stronger sense of empathy and compassion for the world at large. Mercury is intuitive but well boundaried allowing him to employ his intuitive cues toward his goals. Venus is about to bleed out with soul touching openness found in the waxing conjunction to Neptune.
Get real. Get some common sense. Allow yourself to care. Look at your priorities and values. See what it is of true importance to you and exalt that. Hug your loved ones. Say the words you need to say.
The pace is best set on slow and diligent less you want to come to a point of full frustration because you can't get to where you want to go as quickly as you think you should. Slow down. Savor the moment and notice the blessings present around you...that are there right now without taking them for granted. Make it a true day of Venus.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

The Moon still resides in Taurus this morning. The major news of the day? Her ruler, Venus, finds Neptune in Pisces by conjunction. The Moon sextiles this point just following the perfection. The aspects roll as follows:
Venus conjunct Neptune at 1:42 PM EST
Moon in Taurus sextile Neptune 2:20 PM
Moon in Taurus sextile Venus 2:23 PM
Mercury in Pisces sextile Saturn in Capricorn 3:24 PM

More mud. The heart aches and is split wide open. There is high potential for being completely enchanted which makes adherence to the principles of Earth, grounding and boundary even more important. Venus conjunct Neptune is beautiful. The most squishy heart in existence. But, it is also naive and sometimes has a tendency to see things as reflected by the beauty of its own soul rather than how the thing truly is. Earth helps us boundary that. Protects it. And, gives us an opportunity to also see things how they really are as we dare to dream of how things COULD be which is be brought forth by the open...but, vulnerable condition of Venus.

Image credit: Konstatin Razumov
The conjunction of Venus and Neptune occurs as both bodies are headed toward the 14thdegree of Pisces. The Sabian Symbol for that point reads (from Dane Rudyhar) “A young lady wrapped in furs displays supreme elegance. Necessary superficial advertisement of inner worth. Certificate of true merit. Schooled esteem. Embarrassing wealth.” In modern day, there is not much elegance found in prancing around with a dead animal on your back. And doing so isn't really “up the alley” of compassionate Pisces. But, if we look beyond that and peer more deeply into the symbolism here, we have an indication toward the cunning Fox and all the symbolism he represents. We have created illusions of wealth and stature. We have the ability to enchant, allure and mystify. We also have the potential to to draw predators due our magical enchantment. Don't be fooled by the beauty reflected by what someone adorns themselves with. Watch for it to come through their actions. Their eyes. And, how they conduct themselves when no one is looking without the luxury of facade or pretense. True beauty could wear a potato sack and still be beautiful.
Today is for searching your soul in an effort to find your own inner beauty. Protecting with good boundary and common sense the true gentleness of your own heart once you find it. It can also be for enchanting someone right out of their britches or being perceived/judged by what we wear alone. So, if you need to disguise yourself to do some detective work, here you go. If you need to charm someone into divulging information or whatever, this is your sky. Otherwise, it's gentle. It's soft. And, really idealistic and potentially naive.
image credit: Kelsey Montalo
It is still a day for mud. For beautifully inspired creative visions and landslides internally and externally of the same. Be gentle. Be slow. Don't allow yourself to be overly enchanted by facades. Keep your eyes open, tho..there is high probability to meet angels dressed as vagabonds or cast about humans in this week. Though, these costumes are open to a wide variety of folks with a wide variety of intentions. You are going to have to look through them and peer into their souls learning to trust the cues coming forth from your internal radar to know the difference.
Tonight, the Moon trines Pluto in Capricorn. This gives a night of restorative sleep and increases our access to the grounding power of the Earth. Many will crave deep indulgences. If the indulgence is harmless, dip into it. If it is a threat by way of malefic addiction or obsession, don't entertain it as it is likely to become the source of your own undoing. There is chance for “over-indulgence” in such things to the point of them becoming lethal (drugs, alcohol etc) under this sky. Again. Don't be afraid to let your heart feel...but protect it. Boundary it. Keep it safe.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

This morning the Moon faces off with fear by way of an opposition to Jupiter in Scorpio at 6:46 AM. This is as fixed and immobile as it can get. However, that doesn't sustain the entirety of the day. Following this opposition (which at its highest humbles us while emboldens us to hold ourselves steady in the face of our fears while ensuring we have emotional matters in proper perspective), the Moon is rendered Void. This Void..hollow echo feel sustains for nearly 12 hours until the Moon flits into Gemini at 7: 08 PM.

At that ingress, we do begin to limber up. Air comes to us after being curtly cut off by the passage of planets from the sign of Aquarius into Pisces. Overnight, our First Quarter Moon perfects between the signs of Pisces and Gemini as both Sun and Moon move toward the 5th degree of their respective signs.
First Quarter Moons present friction and challenge. That's what they do. The seeds that we planted at the New Moon are attempting to sprout. That's not easy. But, the challenge comes with good cause.
If you remember, our guide for our last New Moon was the 4 of Cups. It's a stable card but at times can get lost in idealistic vision. Some of the seeds we planted may have been set with the best of intention but overly idealized. This First Quarter is going to show us that, most likely.
That doesn't mean we should give up on our visions...unless they were so convoluted and deluded they didn't stand a chance in the first place. Gemini is the sign of learning. We are all students here. So, as the Universe puts forth challenge toward your goals or intentions ensure you are seated in the student chair and open to learning rather than allowing yourself to be stopped in your tracks. It does not mean your dreams have been defeated. It means, there is more here for you to learn so that you can bring them to full manifestation.
Today's long Void Moon is good energy for mulling all that over but not the best for initiating efforts. It is good for making progress on projects that are have already been launched but do know the Moon is not engaged. We may not be able to “get into” our tasks. But, if you need to address something that calls for a settled and blasé emotional approach, this is the day to do so. In truth, many may feel stuck until the Moon's ingress limbers us up a little. But, even in that limbering, the energy is immediately met with challenge. Patience and a wide angle panoramic view of the situation are assured assets.

Friday, February 23, 2018

It's a butterfly Moon versus the world for the next few days. We began overnight with the challenge of the First Quarter Moon. That weird hypnotic friction continues between the signs of Gemini and Pisces today. Then, into the night...the energy is exacerbated even more by way of a lunar opposition to Mars in Sagittarius at midnight.
Two of my kids have a strong conflict happening with their luminaries between the signs of Pisces and Gemini. My oldest has Sun in Gemini square Moon in Pisces. The youngest Sun in Pisces square Moon in Gemini. Do I need to tell you the two of them never shut up? Because they don't. The Gemini Sun is chronically social continually combating the emptiness and deep hollow sensitivity found in his lunar sphere with incessant chatter and a circling of friends. The Pisces Sun is a recluse who has a continual dialogue...with himself. I have yet to figure out, really, if he is in fact talking to himself or a bunch of ghosts. I have also yet to figure out if he realizes that other people can hear him.
As young children, talk about vivid imaginations with these two! Minds zipping from one dream to the next. Plus, a love of character play and pretend. I am telling you what, the Gemini loved wearing costumes. He may not admit to it now, but I have the pictures to prove it. He used to have terrible nightmares though. This set up can go from wild lovely imaginings to also bubbling forth deep fears. I helped my Gemini child with his nightmares by giving him a magic t-shirt to wear at night. The nightmare shirt had a big multicolored picture of a hand on it that I told him would make the nightmares STOP. He believed fully in it and insisted on wearing that shirt to bed for years. Was it magic? Or was his belief in what I said so strong that it made it so? Does it matter? It worked.

I will also never forget my first Halloween with my Pisces Sun/Gemini Moon stepson. We bought the most wonderful werewolf costume I had ever seen. Kid put it on. Went to check himself in the mirror...and scared himself. Like he literally ran from his reflection in the mirror. I laughed so hard I nearly wet my pants. But, these things...the dreams...the fear..the shifty uncertainty of what is real, known and unreal is a true thing when these two signs are in conflict. Mirages happen. Beliefs and what we allow ourselves to think become very prominent and personally effective issues. Remember that. Things may not be as they seem. Be careful what you allow yourself to believe.
Mercury in Pisces now leaves his sextile with Saturn and moves toward a conjunction with Neptune which occurs on the 25th. The chance for misunderstanding, disillusionment, confusion and all that I've just mentioned regarding mirages, dreams, imaginings and nightmares grows in intensity until then. Not to mention the probability of malefic mixtures of water and Mercury ruled things like...dropping your phone in the toilet, drunk texting, hydroplaning, losing your keys, being easily distracted and forgetful. Stuff like that. Mercury to Neptune can feel and act a lot like a Mercury retrograde.
Today, though, what we have is a Moon that wants to lighten up in conflict with Neptune in Pisces by square at 6:28 PM and Venus in Pisces by the same at 11:26 PM. Our butterfly wings are wet. Our fish can become annoyed by chattering. Talk about potential for exacerbation of misophonia! Is this world even real? Are we locked down in a suspension tank living in a dream? That's going to be questionable today.

At midnight the Moon passes by Mars in Sagittarius by opposition. I immediately heard...”Which way did he go George?” LOL..part of the crux of being of the Saturday morning cartoon generation. Anyway, this is ambiguity at its finest. We may want to do something big and important but the emotional body and the rest of the bodies are so skewed's hard to do anything when you can't tell if its live or memorex while feeling as if you might have fallen into some kind of alternate reality. You know? Balance it out. Ground and friggin GROUND some more. Question everything and be open to learning the truth of it. Don't take anything at face value...look twice. Wipe the dew out of your eyes and look again. Listen to your intuitive cues. Gemini does not like to cry. But, there is high probability of that in this day.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Today the uncertain flux of Friday begins to fade. Slowly. Like fog slowly melting away. We are still under the influence of a Gemini Moon whose ruler is drunk and getting more drunk in a waxing conjunction with Neptune. BUT, at 2:58 PM, that Moon lightens and brightens by way of a sextile to Uranus. This helps to lighten us and dry our wings out a bit. A mixture of Fire and Air just prior to the Moon reaching Void status.

I encourage you to take advantage of the brief lightning in the energy as the Moon's next stop is into the sign of Cancer. She passes into the sign at 10:06 PM.
This gives us another long Void of Course Moon day. Emotions can rest, dry out and stabilize a bit. Setting yourself apart or giving yourself a break from worry and uncertainty are strongly encouraged. Change your scenery. Get out in the open air and stretch your legs. Air out. Again, not a good day to kick off anything new, but mundane tasks that don't require a lot of thought or creativity are greatly supported as well as putting finishing touches on projects already in progress. It's a cabin fever day, though. Many will be looking for lightness rather than toil.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

That's it. The last full week of February just zipped right by us. We switch the page on the monthly calendar in our week to come. On the first day March we are also greeted with the first Full Moon of the month. March is framed on either end with, you know there will be hype about Blue Moon! Blue Moon! At the end of it...which to me says, “Yay! Now the smurfs can go home!” And that's about it.

Today our demure and recluse Venus in Pisces meets with Mars in Sagittarius by square under a Cancer Moon. This occurs at 7:02 AM and precedes Mercury's conjunction with Neptune less than a half hour later. The skewed and intuitively led imaginings of a Neptune flavored Mercury persists as peaceful Venus conflicts with the lord of War. On a personal level, this can actually be spicy. The quick mix of chemistry that catalyzes attraction between the sexes. On a worldly level, empathic/sensitive hearts meet with the loud over fueled pomp and horse radish of angry war mongers all justifying their overblown exertions.
Our Moon? Sides with Pisces meeting the Sun by trine at 9:40 AM. Gentleness wins this day over and above pompous acts of inflated ego fueled heroism.
Shortly after the rising tides of this water trine crest, the Moon stands off with Saturn in Capricorn (9:52 AM) with the Sun sobering up in sextile to same at 12:47 PM. The creative mud continues to flow. However, our moody Moon feels the weight of pressure from Saturn even if he is supportive to our Sun by transit. Boundary. Direction. Compassionate and gentle leadership and an ability to shave the truth away from fiction and rhetoric are necessary.
Adhere to what it is you personally need. That's what Moon in Cancer points toward. Take care of yourself so that you can take care of the children. Circle the wagons. Eat well. Use the energy coming from Saturn to find some sturdy and stable ground for yourself. Work on acceptance and forgiveness if needed as the energy is certainly ripe for such. Apologies fit well in this sky. But so do lies. Ensure you walk the talk as much as you profess it. We are...again...very strongly intuitive in this day. Listen to the cues that come from that realm. Keep reaching to learn how to read the symbolism and understand the language of the unspoken because that is where you will find the undocumented and unspoken truth. Though, there very well could be impromptu confessions within this day...Mercury/Neptune is prone to do so as well as unwittingly give itself away by letting the mouth run about unhinged and unchecked. My advice, is listen more than you speak.

The Moon goes full melt as darkness falls by way of a trine to Neptune at 8:51 PM. Of course, the trine to Mercury comes swiftly after. A night filled with dreams and an evening adrift in the Poppy fields is what this feels like. It continues groggily into tomorrow morning as the Moon finds Venus in Pisces by trine but fear permeates our sphere with a lunar opposition to Pluto shortly after. Use the energy from Saturn to make a plan. Set goal. Envision something to “spot” like a dancer as she twirls in the event of a feeling of seasickness..which is also possible under this sky. Rest. Eat. Self-care.
