It served my heart well to see all the Pisces energy in this chart contained in the 6th house. Of course, this is a chart for the Full Moon (see chart below) as it occurs in Washington, DC. The house positions shift due your location. But, still, I'm glad to see it organized in such a way at the capitol of my country.
In my opinion, Virgo energy is exactly what Pisces needs and vice versa. The problem in this chart is that Virgo is wildly outnumbered and her ruler, Mercury, is steeped in the Piscean mix. She will have a lot of work to do in regard to sorting things out. At first glance it looks as if she has just found all the socks that ever disappeared from the washer dumped right in her lap. They've all magically reappeared and now she pulls out the mateless sock box and tries to match this hoard of foot coverings soon becoming completely covered up with them on her lap, strung across the bed and still some lingering in the box as she tries to make sense of it all. Yet, this is what Virgo excels at. Creating order out of chaos. At first the task of sorting may feel overwhelming. But Virgo is diligent and will complete the task step by step until it is done.
Bringing Pisces' creative vision to ground and into physical manifestation is also on Virgo's task list. She can be critical of Pisces saying “That will never work.” Or, “That simply isn't practical.” Or, “This idea you have is based on misinformation or simply an overly idealized version of the truth..maybe even a lie.” Yet Pisces begs the “what if's.” Challenging Virgo to tinker with something just to see if it may work or may be able to come to fruition. She is the midwife who births the gestating bodies in Pisces. She is the nurse who tends to the illnesses of the fish. She is the reality to Pisces' dreams. Together, the creative mind of Pisces brings the whimsical ideas and Virgo lines out the materials and the steps needed to bring those creative visions to life.
The building concentration of planets in Pisces that has persisted since the New Moon in Aquarius has given rise to sensitivity within individuals and the collective. There have been many tears and with good cause. Over and over we've heard, “Do something! Do something!” in response. Pisces while slain by empathy, compassion and a deep hollow feeling of being cast out and forlorn begs for help. Who better to meet that call than our “I can fix it! I can mend it! I can help!” Virgo Moon?
Under this sky we have a circling of Earth Goddesses that includes Lilith in Capricorn, Pallas in Taurus and the Moon in Virgo which provides sturdy boundary and direction for our stellium in Pisces. The entirety of that configuration creates a protective Kite as this Full Moon bursts forth encircling this strong feminine energy like a shield.
We are overloaded with Earth and Water energy which is wonderful for manifestation. However, the element of Air is sorely lacking. Mars, Vesta, Ceres, Eris and Uranus provide the fire. So the energy does have momentum and a desire to engage. It's the logical and communicative element which helps to bring levity to the environment that is missing. This can cause the general atmosphere to feel heavy as if we were literally wading in mud which doesn't sit well with our Fire planets most assuredly. Yet, what we shape from that mud can then be thrown into the kiln of fire to harden. What plans we create to bring order to the uprising of chaos and sentimentality can then be set into motion. We are speaking volumes without words but bringing forth our desires through full illustration in our actions.
Our Earth planets, including the Moon, help lay out that plan for us step by step, layer upon layer...but, the time for lip service and blowing hot air around the problems felt in the world are curtailed. We are having trouble speaking to one another due this. Again, we speak louder with our gestures, deeds and body language as the words we use become secondary to that or largely misunderstood. We are doing without the need to talk about why. For some there is nothing left to debate or negotiate. Which is fine. This is the time to do and create with a mind that can read the energy of the collective and a stellium in Pisces being bolstered by both Saturn and Jupiter which gives us backbone as we feel our way forward led more by intuition and the heart than the logical mind. Anything that needs to be changed can be changed in this malleable sky.
image credit zgul-osr1113 |
As Virgo is the midwife who births gestating Pisces babies (creative visions) and this is a Full Moon in which the products of our intentions begin to blossom and manifest, we are, quite literally, birthing into reality what before was only a dream. Or, at the very least, being given that opportunity. In that, the “spark” that kicks start the heartbeat of these babies, giving them life, is also present. Both the Sun and the Moon make minor aspect to Uranus who provides this spark.
The Sun is in semi-square with Uranus. One description that I read of that aspect in a natal chart clearly states, “You are inclined to be reckless, and may periodically start over in your life, completely eliminating previous foundations. You are an original and independent thinker with an active, scientific mind, futuristic in outlook, and so are capable of bringing new ideas into being. You can benefit from striving to control your energetic and visionary impulses in order to make these more concretely available in your own life, and in the life of society around you.” The aspect needs grounding and calm which can be accessed from the boundary of Earth energy. It pulls in our access to innovation, technology, groups/teams/humanitarian movements due the nature of Uranus alone. This is also part of the “gold” found in our current South Node. But, it does compel us from idle dream and into action while sparking our visions with life at that same time.
The Moon is in sesquiquadrate with our progressive lightning God. This does bring in the element of anxiety and restlessness...not to mention our lunar body. It also allows us to evolve our emotional and intuitive intelligence while giving us the opportunity to step back in observation of more swamping emotions. So not only is the Virgo Moon sorting through the sea of Pisces, she is kind of antsy and nervous in doing so while increasing her expertise through her actions at the same time. Sitting still doesn't fit well here. Much of the energy here has a need to be mobile, moving, doing...again, tinkering and fixing. Without motion/action the Moon can be slain by worry.
Shortly following the perfection of the Full Moon she will move forward to square Mars/Vesta in Pisces while also trining Pluto in Capricorn. She will have the desire and energy to “do” with the only problem being trying to decide what to do first and keeping her expectations of what she can achieve realistic. Many tasks before the collective right now can not be fixed by one person alone. It will require a coming together in an effort to meet a common goal. The key to that on a personal level is finding your niche within those group movements...your impact zone through full utilization of your personal talents. The Sun and Moon both in minor aspect to Uranus as well as an ability to draw forth the collaborative energy from our South Node will push us to that end. Then, we find our tools and employ our individual talents.
Mars in Sagittarius is locked and loaded in semi-sextile to Pluto in Capricorn at this lunation and also in waxing trine to Uranus. On the low end, this is seething pomp and bravado which sorely conflicts with the nature of both Pisces and Virgo. On the high end, this is nearly super human acts undertaken in an effort to defend high ideals and freedom. In waxing sextile to Uranus, Mars is ready to kick start change in the world. Ready to experiment with new methods and increase its expertise in the realm of engagement and action. It's exceedingly brave and that's how you will mark the difference between actions taken toward the high end of this energy versus actions taken toward the lower expression. The fearful will cling and resist the old ways and revolt against any inkling toward change. The brave are ready and willing to move forward into the unknown and untried with a steely sense of resolve and no desire to accommodate the fearful who want to continue to deny and drape falsehoods around the truth of our current problem. A resistance to positive change does stem from fear manifesting as catalyzing misinformation, blame casting and denial while putting on full display an ineffective ability to access the higher more effective expressions of Mars. Our goddesses and our bodies in water can smell and feel this fear finding it pungent and disillusioning. The veil that drops around many of the issues stemming forth from our world at this time prove themselves to be birthed of fear, lack of initiative and limp Mars.
The Moon knows this. She is in quintile with Jupiter in Scorpio. This develops a keen intuitive sense of the truth that lies embedded in the shadow psyche...and she sees it for the quivering ineffective pile of fearfulness that it is. In her triage efforts and in an attempt to make a nursing care plans to address the sickness, she is likely to expose that thorn as our current state of concern becomes exacerbated. The compassionate Solar body in Pisces feels this too. He makes minor aspect (septile) to Pluto and is more inclined to push itself away from current “socially acceptable norms” in favor of positive change that doesn't coddle the fearful but, instead, acts in a way that wishes to birth a new system that is more supportive of moving forward than clinging to what ineffective leadership and previously established “societal norms” have built.
Taken on the whole, the Full Moon and the posturing of the rest of the sky points to bringing these denied fears and issues to light, exposing them, recognizing them and accepting that they do exist and admitting they are partly responsible for co-creating the reality in which we currently reside. Once these facts are recognized and accepted, then we can begin doing something to FIX the issue. To nurse the sick. Triage the presenting ills. Develop a plan for more healthful living versus the current set up we have which seems to be stuck in survival mode due fear.
To further support my take in regard to veils dropping, a need for discernment in regard to separating effective Mars versus limp Mars along with a push to birth new systems into the world we need look no further than the Sabian Symbols that rise in relevance at this Full Moon.
The call for discernment comes from the Sabian for the Sun in Pisces at 12 degrees: Candidates are being examined by the lodge of initiates.Inner ordeal before every true seeker. The individual facing collective wisdom. Re-affirmation of purpose. God-revelation.
The Sabian for the Moon literally mentions lifting a undertaking accepted only by the brave (daring) and by those who are unafraid to show love and compassion toward their fellow man while also employing fearlessness aimed at uncovering the truth. As there is a bride on her wedding day, there is also in indication toward “the end of innocence” as after this night the traditional bride will no longer be a lilly white virgin inexperienced in the penetrative intimacy of sexual energy and its transformative power.
12 Virgo: A bride, laughing, scolds the groom who lifted her veil. Disclosure of the hidden fruition of nature to him who dares and loves. Full appreciation of life. Penetration.
Our Moon's ruler gives rise to the possibility of manifestation with the materializing medium calling forth unseen energies. Summoning them into conscious existence. Before she called them to the fore they had not been known before. But, once the veil drops, they are surely recognized in reality. There is both indication toward manifestation and exposure here especially since the Moon's ruler trines the spotlight, Jupiter in Scorpio.
Mercury (Moon ruler) 23 Pisces: A materializing medium summons weird ghostly shapes.
Display of powers which through physical transcend our normal awareness. Subjective mastery of or
passivity to life forces.
To boil all this down, what occurs within the collective is an undeniable exposure of the world's ills. With this exposure there may be disillusionment to contend with. With that disillusionment, though, we are also delivered truths that we can use in an effort to fix/nurse these ills as Virgo Moon is more than willing to do. However, attempts to change the current status quo will be met by these fearful folks who are resistant to change and prone to cling to what currently “is” because it seems to deliver them a false sense of security, bravado and reward to their otherwise limp and ineffective Mars. However, change is inevitable and the majority of the populace is fatigued with living in fear and ready to welcome a more healed world not only for themselves but for the future of our species. The thorns of fear that blockade any action toward healthy change will be exposed for what they are and eventually purged. Humankind is not of the ilk to travel backward. The precise opposite, actually, as our species has proven itself to be inclined toward progress and innovation constantly looking for ways to improve itself and grow. That's just how we are built. Those that refuse the call toward evolution will be stuck in their current fearful positions as the rest of the world moves on without them and their mentality becomes less and less tolerated and palatable. They are a dying breed. They know this and that is why they lash out so vehemently in response to the calls for change within the collective.
On a personal level, watch what the increased sensitivities are made apparent to you and brought forth from the sign of Pisces leading up to this Full Moon. Then, employ the prowess of Virgo to purge any fearful thorns or blockages to your own personal evolution. Accept the truth as it is revealed. It is what it is. Forgive yourself of it. All that is left is to deal with it and the energy from Mars, Pluto, Jupiter and Uranus give us the where-with-all to engage bravely and with support toward birthing a more authentic and aware sense of self. Fix what you find to be broken inside of you. Dare to try new methods and increase your personal expertise. Purge the toxins and treat the wounds. Get real. Get in touch with the present. Confess and forgive yourself of perceived “sins” and wash your soul and psyche anew. Retreat to inner spaces so that you can hear your own heart, your own voice again. Then, re-enter the world with this personal sense of renewal humbly with a willingness to be of service/assistance to others.
Our guide for this Full Moon is the High Priestess letting us know there is more going on than meets the eye and taunting us to with curiosity to peer behind the veil. Once her secrets are exposed to the collective an innate sense of knowing what needs to be done will quickly follow once we accept what we have been shown.
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