How do I get to my goals? What does it take to really make it to the top in my field? I am tired, stressed and do not have time to read another success book. I just want the secret, and my personal favorite of all time - just tell me what to do.
I hear these comments/questions over and over again in the executive coaching part of my practice. When pushed for an answer I tell people the truth. It is really simple to get to the top, or to achieve dreams or make or acquire whatever it is that is desired. Just make sure you are clear on what you desire. If you did not catch the secret re-read that last sentence. Go ahead, re-read it before moving on. At this point I often get a blank stare and some grumblings similar to what occurs when a physician tells you that you are over-stressed and need to relax. Now, just to be clear I will not leave you hanging and I do have a solution for you. A solution that works time and time again.
So here it is. A time tested, simple, proven and guaranteed way to get whatever you want in life. You may consider this the - just tell me what to do, part of this article. In sharing this strategy I ask for only one thing in return. Keep at it for the entire period of time. Not a day, or two, or here and there. Consistently keep at it and do what is outlined and then send me your results. I will post them and we can compare notes on what has happened, say 30 or 40 days from the time you start. So here is the catch. You have to commit to giving yourself this time period for success. It is not fair or reasonably to assume success over night. I will not get into the mechanics of how the brain works in this article, or why it works the way it does (that is for another time). What I will do is guarantee that if you follow through and keep to the plan, and maintain your focus, and direct your energies in an open-minded and proper manner, then wonderful, exciting, unanticipated things will start to occur almost magically. But, be rest assured anything less than a full, concerted effort on your part will only get you frustrated, angry or worse, de-motivated. We have used this technique for ourselves with our clients and with both believers and skeptics. The truth is simple. If you just do everything as it is stated, you will get exactly what you desire, period!
This technique is not about mysterious beliefs. In fact, you do not even have to believe that it will work. You just have to consistently put in the effort and activities to get results. This is about planned strategy. This is about taking and setting courses of action. This is about taking control of the greatest source of power known to humankind - your mind.
Learning to control and direct your mind consciously will get you everything you desire. Yes everything, so be careful how you program it and do keep in mind that you will get exactly and specifically everything that you ask for or tell yourself. With this in mind, make sure it is what you really want!
Now on to a little something we call SMR (Structured Mental Rehearsal). This is a simple (but powerful) and practical self-directed mind control technique for goal achievement. The more you practice, the better the results. This is simple science. It's just like running. The more you do it, the better you get, the easier it becomes.
SMR will most certainly demonstrate the awesome power of your mind. The objective here is to gain greater access to the mental powers available to each and every one of us. You can expect to see the start of real and tangible results within 21 days - IF and only IF you follow through on the actions needed to make things happen. Remember: when creating your desires, make sure they are C.E.V. - Compelling, Exciting, Valued (worth working towards). If they do not sparkle, you will not really see or catch them. And once again a last word of caution: be careful and specific in what you ask for, because you will get it exactly as thought of or spoken.
To help you reach your goals use this simple and powerful technique as laid out below:
1) Write out each of your goals in the first person, present tense as if you have already accomplished them. Remember you need to write your goals out. Thinking about them will not work. Just talking about them wil not work. Writing taps into the unconscious and sub-conscious parts of the mind. This is where all the action happens. First write down your goals. Then keep writing down your goals. Then start thinking and talking about them. As you write and re-write, make sure each goal you aspire to is Specific and Realistic. Clearly define each goal independently. Write out what you want to achieve and set an accomplishment date. Make it realistic because if it is not your unconscious mind will disregard it. Give it to a respected colleague or trusted partner for feedback. Make sure it is something you really want.
2) To make quick progress on any goals you have, write them out first thing in the morning every day for a period of three weeks (21days). This is critical. Go back and re-read the last sentence. Write them out first thing in the morning every day for three weeks. Not just today and maybe tomorrow. Not just thinking about them at the start of the day but actually, physically writing out your goals every morning, first thing, before you do anything else. Yes we know it is inconvenient. Yes it is a pain. Yes it is seemingly boring and or redundant. And finally, Yes it is absolutely critical. Essential, in fact, for your success.
Without going into great detail you need to understand that you are re-programming your brain to achieve something new, great, exciting and out of the ordinary. You need those three weeks of concerted effort to convince your mind that you are serious. Recognize that you will continue to modify and add details to your goals as you go along during these three weeks. This is perfectly acceptable and expected. Your goal statements will automatically refine themselves as you dig deeper into what it is you are really after. Just know your first attempts to articulate your goals will be safe expressions of what you can consciously accept at that point in time, given your individual situation. Each goal you write about will be edited and changed or refined or completely re-written as you make contact with the deeper resources inside your head. Consider this phase the clearing, focusing and conditioning phase. I call it, getting to the core. You need to do this every single day for the next three weeks in order to get to where you want to go. Again, thinking about it will not get you there. Writing is the key to making this work. If you cut corners now, forget about success later. It just will not happen for you.
3. As you are re-programming and conditioning your brain to achieve new and wonderful things you will need to create and design the appropriate Mental Movie (MM) which will bring your goal to life. To do this, identify every detail and aspect of the goal. Use all your senses - seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, touching. Repeatedly visualize all the details of the goal while in a relaxed state. Mentally re-live the benefits you expect from achieving that goal. Revel in the feelings of satisfaction of achieving that goal. Enjoy the benefits of that goal. Burn the image of your face in your minds eye and replay this MM repeatedly throughout the day. The more you play the MM, the quicker the results.
Honestly, this is the point where many people bail on the process. I am not visual. I can not do imagery. I do not know how to create a Mental Movie. These are all rationalizations we repeatedly hear from people. I say it is a convenient way to not break free of self-imposed limitations. We live each day of our lives playing Mental Movies... about work, about loved ones, about hobbies, about fantasies, about the life we want. The point is we all have the capability to create mental movies. All I ask is that you consciously make a real effort to create a Mental Movie to support the expression of your goal. Design it, fill it with detail, see it in all its glory, watch it, and experience it as if you are already there. In some ways it is acceptable to obsess about your goal through the use of MM -- as long as it does not take away from the rest of your life. Listen to the sounds around you as you engage in the achievement of your goal. Take note of your surroundings, the people who are there, the sights, all the different sounds. Incorporate your feelings. Work through all of your senses. How does each sensation play a part in the MM of your goal? There is no right or wrong. You will get better at directing your mind. Do this every day. As many times a day as possible.
4. Here is the hard part. Trust in the process. Yes, Trust in the Process. And if you cannot trust in the process, then trust in the research on this one. You need to reaffirm that your mental movies will come to fruition. Become immersed in repeating the movies several times per day. Read your goal out loud each and every day. Do not, I repeat, do not just read it as though you were reading it out loud, actually read it out loud. If you are embarrassed, do this in your car with your Bluetooth on. People will think you are talking on the phone. Replay your movie as many times as you can. Relax and enjoy the feeling of small successes, knowing you will reach your target goal slowly and consistently, each day getting closer to where you want to be.
5. Once you have achieved a degree of success with the QPT (quick progress techniques) above, incorporate the GRT (Goal Reinforcement Technique). This is the point where your goal focus will take on new power and energy. For the GRT to work you must write down your goals on 3x5 cards and carry them with you. Keep them in your wallet or purse or bag. Review them at least once in the morning and once in the evening before going to bed. Continue to modify and refine them as necessary each day as you make greater progress towards your goal.
6. Keep in mind that every day you will have opportunities to make choices which can reinforce and move you in the direction of your goals or visions. Stay alert and do not be afraid to use your intuition. Take risks and enjoy small successes because they lead to great gains.
7. When you have achieved your goal, celebrate your success and determination. You have proved that mental training works. You have made a real commitment to the process. You know the secret. You now have all the necessary tools to achieve absolutely anything you desire in life. Know that as each of your goals becomes more complex or challenging, greater time will be required to re-train your mind for the new level of success and challenge you seek. In psychology circles we have a very scientific term for this. We call it taking baby steps.
Mental movies can be used in all facets of your business and personal life, from improving your managerial style to becoming a more effective leader, to being more patient with your kids or spouse, to being a more aware person, to finding that great job. Just remember to keep this thought front and center. Your mind is like a TV set: if you do not like the program, change the channel!
Great things happen because people make them happen. Life does not consist of watching from the sidelines. You have to take action. Be part of the game. Have a plan. Be flexible. Look for opportunities. But also believe that you can do it. The worst thing you can do is give up. Clear goals will produce precise results. Define your goals. First write them down. Then Talk about them to yourself and with others. Look at them everyday. Create and set a fair deadline. Visualize and imagine every detail and look ahead because that is where you are going to end up. Enjoy the journey... and keep me posted of your successes!
I know this sounds simple, perhaps too simple for you to believe right now. The only way to judge is to give it a good effort, a real effort. Try it out. What do you have to lose? This can be a great year if you choose to make it so! Do you have the secret to getting what you desire? You do now. Period!
I hear these comments/questions over and over again in the executive coaching part of my practice. When pushed for an answer I tell people the truth. It is really simple to get to the top, or to achieve dreams or make or acquire whatever it is that is desired. Just make sure you are clear on what you desire. If you did not catch the secret re-read that last sentence. Go ahead, re-read it before moving on. At this point I often get a blank stare and some grumblings similar to what occurs when a physician tells you that you are over-stressed and need to relax. Now, just to be clear I will not leave you hanging and I do have a solution for you. A solution that works time and time again.
So here it is. A time tested, simple, proven and guaranteed way to get whatever you want in life. You may consider this the - just tell me what to do, part of this article. In sharing this strategy I ask for only one thing in return. Keep at it for the entire period of time. Not a day, or two, or here and there. Consistently keep at it and do what is outlined and then send me your results. I will post them and we can compare notes on what has happened, say 30 or 40 days from the time you start. So here is the catch. You have to commit to giving yourself this time period for success. It is not fair or reasonably to assume success over night. I will not get into the mechanics of how the brain works in this article, or why it works the way it does (that is for another time). What I will do is guarantee that if you follow through and keep to the plan, and maintain your focus, and direct your energies in an open-minded and proper manner, then wonderful, exciting, unanticipated things will start to occur almost magically. But, be rest assured anything less than a full, concerted effort on your part will only get you frustrated, angry or worse, de-motivated. We have used this technique for ourselves with our clients and with both believers and skeptics. The truth is simple. If you just do everything as it is stated, you will get exactly what you desire, period!
This technique is not about mysterious beliefs. In fact, you do not even have to believe that it will work. You just have to consistently put in the effort and activities to get results. This is about planned strategy. This is about taking and setting courses of action. This is about taking control of the greatest source of power known to humankind - your mind.
Learning to control and direct your mind consciously will get you everything you desire. Yes everything, so be careful how you program it and do keep in mind that you will get exactly and specifically everything that you ask for or tell yourself. With this in mind, make sure it is what you really want!
Now on to a little something we call SMR (Structured Mental Rehearsal). This is a simple (but powerful) and practical self-directed mind control technique for goal achievement. The more you practice, the better the results. This is simple science. It's just like running. The more you do it, the better you get, the easier it becomes.
SMR will most certainly demonstrate the awesome power of your mind. The objective here is to gain greater access to the mental powers available to each and every one of us. You can expect to see the start of real and tangible results within 21 days - IF and only IF you follow through on the actions needed to make things happen. Remember: when creating your desires, make sure they are C.E.V. - Compelling, Exciting, Valued (worth working towards). If they do not sparkle, you will not really see or catch them. And once again a last word of caution: be careful and specific in what you ask for, because you will get it exactly as thought of or spoken.
To help you reach your goals use this simple and powerful technique as laid out below:
1) Write out each of your goals in the first person, present tense as if you have already accomplished them. Remember you need to write your goals out. Thinking about them will not work. Just talking about them wil not work. Writing taps into the unconscious and sub-conscious parts of the mind. This is where all the action happens. First write down your goals. Then keep writing down your goals. Then start thinking and talking about them. As you write and re-write, make sure each goal you aspire to is Specific and Realistic. Clearly define each goal independently. Write out what you want to achieve and set an accomplishment date. Make it realistic because if it is not your unconscious mind will disregard it. Give it to a respected colleague or trusted partner for feedback. Make sure it is something you really want.
2) To make quick progress on any goals you have, write them out first thing in the morning every day for a period of three weeks (21days). This is critical. Go back and re-read the last sentence. Write them out first thing in the morning every day for three weeks. Not just today and maybe tomorrow. Not just thinking about them at the start of the day but actually, physically writing out your goals every morning, first thing, before you do anything else. Yes we know it is inconvenient. Yes it is a pain. Yes it is seemingly boring and or redundant. And finally, Yes it is absolutely critical. Essential, in fact, for your success.
Without going into great detail you need to understand that you are re-programming your brain to achieve something new, great, exciting and out of the ordinary. You need those three weeks of concerted effort to convince your mind that you are serious. Recognize that you will continue to modify and add details to your goals as you go along during these three weeks. This is perfectly acceptable and expected. Your goal statements will automatically refine themselves as you dig deeper into what it is you are really after. Just know your first attempts to articulate your goals will be safe expressions of what you can consciously accept at that point in time, given your individual situation. Each goal you write about will be edited and changed or refined or completely re-written as you make contact with the deeper resources inside your head. Consider this phase the clearing, focusing and conditioning phase. I call it, getting to the core. You need to do this every single day for the next three weeks in order to get to where you want to go. Again, thinking about it will not get you there. Writing is the key to making this work. If you cut corners now, forget about success later. It just will not happen for you.
3. As you are re-programming and conditioning your brain to achieve new and wonderful things you will need to create and design the appropriate Mental Movie (MM) which will bring your goal to life. To do this, identify every detail and aspect of the goal. Use all your senses - seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, touching. Repeatedly visualize all the details of the goal while in a relaxed state. Mentally re-live the benefits you expect from achieving that goal. Revel in the feelings of satisfaction of achieving that goal. Enjoy the benefits of that goal. Burn the image of your face in your minds eye and replay this MM repeatedly throughout the day. The more you play the MM, the quicker the results.
Honestly, this is the point where many people bail on the process. I am not visual. I can not do imagery. I do not know how to create a Mental Movie. These are all rationalizations we repeatedly hear from people. I say it is a convenient way to not break free of self-imposed limitations. We live each day of our lives playing Mental Movies... about work, about loved ones, about hobbies, about fantasies, about the life we want. The point is we all have the capability to create mental movies. All I ask is that you consciously make a real effort to create a Mental Movie to support the expression of your goal. Design it, fill it with detail, see it in all its glory, watch it, and experience it as if you are already there. In some ways it is acceptable to obsess about your goal through the use of MM -- as long as it does not take away from the rest of your life. Listen to the sounds around you as you engage in the achievement of your goal. Take note of your surroundings, the people who are there, the sights, all the different sounds. Incorporate your feelings. Work through all of your senses. How does each sensation play a part in the MM of your goal? There is no right or wrong. You will get better at directing your mind. Do this every day. As many times a day as possible.
4. Here is the hard part. Trust in the process. Yes, Trust in the Process. And if you cannot trust in the process, then trust in the research on this one. You need to reaffirm that your mental movies will come to fruition. Become immersed in repeating the movies several times per day. Read your goal out loud each and every day. Do not, I repeat, do not just read it as though you were reading it out loud, actually read it out loud. If you are embarrassed, do this in your car with your Bluetooth on. People will think you are talking on the phone. Replay your movie as many times as you can. Relax and enjoy the feeling of small successes, knowing you will reach your target goal slowly and consistently, each day getting closer to where you want to be.
5. Once you have achieved a degree of success with the QPT (quick progress techniques) above, incorporate the GRT (Goal Reinforcement Technique). This is the point where your goal focus will take on new power and energy. For the GRT to work you must write down your goals on 3x5 cards and carry them with you. Keep them in your wallet or purse or bag. Review them at least once in the morning and once in the evening before going to bed. Continue to modify and refine them as necessary each day as you make greater progress towards your goal.
6. Keep in mind that every day you will have opportunities to make choices which can reinforce and move you in the direction of your goals or visions. Stay alert and do not be afraid to use your intuition. Take risks and enjoy small successes because they lead to great gains.
7. When you have achieved your goal, celebrate your success and determination. You have proved that mental training works. You have made a real commitment to the process. You know the secret. You now have all the necessary tools to achieve absolutely anything you desire in life. Know that as each of your goals becomes more complex or challenging, greater time will be required to re-train your mind for the new level of success and challenge you seek. In psychology circles we have a very scientific term for this. We call it taking baby steps.
Mental movies can be used in all facets of your business and personal life, from improving your managerial style to becoming a more effective leader, to being more patient with your kids or spouse, to being a more aware person, to finding that great job. Just remember to keep this thought front and center. Your mind is like a TV set: if you do not like the program, change the channel!
Great things happen because people make them happen. Life does not consist of watching from the sidelines. You have to take action. Be part of the game. Have a plan. Be flexible. Look for opportunities. But also believe that you can do it. The worst thing you can do is give up. Clear goals will produce precise results. Define your goals. First write them down. Then Talk about them to yourself and with others. Look at them everyday. Create and set a fair deadline. Visualize and imagine every detail and look ahead because that is where you are going to end up. Enjoy the journey... and keep me posted of your successes!
I know this sounds simple, perhaps too simple for you to believe right now. The only way to judge is to give it a good effort, a real effort. Try it out. What do you have to lose? This can be a great year if you choose to make it so! Do you have the secret to getting what you desire? You do now. Period!
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